
[TCT2012]介入治疗或外科手术:如何选择?——Gregg W. Stone博士专访

作者:  G.W.Stone   日期:2012/11/15 14:56:51



  <International Circulation>: What are some of your thoughts on the FREEDOM trial?
  Dr. Stone: The results of the FREEDOM of trial were very similar to what we saw with the three-vessel arm subset of the SYNTAX trial. In these study, there were patients principally with three-vessel disease—in FREEDOM, with diabetes, in SYNTAX, with or without—who were treated with first generation, drug-eluting stents. Compared with CABG, these patients overall fared better with bypass surgery. It was primarily in patients with more complex diseases where surgery was more favorable. In the FREEDOM trial, there was quite a substantial reduction of stroke with PCI when compared to surgery, however, that was offset by an increase in all-cause mortality, which barely reached statistical significance at five years, and more importantly, an increase in spontaneous MI in the post-procedural period. I think the results of the two studies are fairly consistent. At least from the data we have, with first-generation stents and without optimal techniques, without FFR guided lesion selection, without routine use of intravascular ultrasound, with very complex and advanced coronary artery disease, with or without diabetes, patients should most likely be treated with surgery. However, in patients with less complex coronary disease or left main disease, and with a low or intermediate SYNTAX score, angioplasty maybe a very reasonable option. The EXCEL trial is currently analyzing this question. In this study, they are using state-of-the-art drug eluting stents. That is an important differentiator for these trials. The current drug-eluting stents, in particular the everolimus eluting stents, reduce stent thrombosis by about 70% when compared with both first-generation and bare metal stents. They are also associated with reduced rates of MI and, compared to some of earlier stents, restenosis and target vessel revascularization. These studies, as is often the case, they need to be reviewed with the most current technology.


  <International Circulation>: Do you think FREEDOM will change the way that you practice?
  Dr. Stone: I think it will cement what we saw in the three-vessel disease arm of SYNTAX. That is, patients with predominately three-vessel disease, and now with diabetes, will be referred to surgery or certainly a surgeon should be involved if consulting with the patient as to the benefits and risks of the surgery, as opposed to PCI. There will be an active discussion of patients 1) with less advanced coronary artery disease, in which I think PCI is still very appropriate and 2) there will be a lot of patients who prefer a less invasive approach and a lot of patients who are concerned about the risk of stroke, which will be less with PCI than surgery. Clearly, after all cause mortality, stroke is the most feared complication. In some patients, they actually fear stroke more than death and will do anything to try to avoid stroke. In FREEDOM, the risk of stroke was more than doubled when compared with PCI, especially in the early post-procedural period. There will also be discussion of individualizing care for patients and how the complexity of CAD relates to bypass surgery versus intervention and patient and physician preferences. I believe that FREEDOM adds an important piece of evidence-based medicine to the puzzle, especially as it relates to comparison of bypass surgery to first-generation drug eluting stents.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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